So, having already paid for two nights, I got up early and spent the morning looking for somewhere else to live. While I hadn't actually bought a guide to the city, I
at least had the wit to do a bit of research in the library. I checked out a couple of the other
nearby before looking up the address I had brought with me - the cheapest (but highly recommended) hostel in the
Let's Go
guide. It was about as far away as you could get and still be in the same city. Up a very big hill.
I gathered up my kit (I had FAR too much stuff - learned that lesson the hard way!) and trudged across town. Don't think I even said goodbye. Nor did it occour to me to get a bus or taxi; not so much out of the heat affecting my brain as just being overcome with the strangeness of it all.
And this is where I ended up:
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